MiR has a large portfolio of autonomous mobile robots, with payloads from 100 kgs up to 1350 kgs, in top load set-up or a trolley pulling modus, and even pallet transport is possible. MiR robots can be connected with special carts for easy docking everywhere on your work floor.

Unique top module by VHA

The SECUROL100 is a unique conveyor-topmodule designed for MiR100. 

The SECUROL100 was designed with traceability in mind and is ideal for industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical, … 


  • Only one access point: fully protected using see-trough panels. 
  • The access point is monitored using sensors. A product cannot be removed from the conveyor without this being detected. 
  • Guiding rails for a reliable product transfer. 
  • The electrical cabinet can be found on the outside of the top-module, minimizing down-time during maintenance tasks.
Download specification

Top modules by MiRGo

MiR is an open robot platform, ready for different applications to be integrated. MiRGo is a unique ecosystem where you find applications that extend the functionality of the MiR robots.

MiRGo consists of many different applications and top modules for all the different AMR’s in MiR’s product portfolio. In this marketplace, you can get inspiration for how our mobile robots can create value for you, your colleagues and your production.

Click on type of application you are on the look-out for, and you’ll see a list of available top modules from MiRGo partners.

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MiR case studies

MiR case studies