

The use of our website must always be in accordance with the rights and obligations that are clearly stated on the website and the rights and obligations that are stated in the Disclaimer and the Privacy Statement. All these texts are our General Terms and Conditions. These General Terms and Conditions apply to us, Van Hoecke Automation, as well as to you, the User. As soon as you use our website, you acknowledge and accept that our General Terms and Conditions apply and that you fully waive the application of your own General Terms and Conditions.

In exceptional cases we can deviate from the General Terms and Conditions, so far as these deviations are recorded in writing and accepted by all parties. These deviations only replace or supplement the clauses to which they relate and have no effect on the application of other provisions of the General Terms and Conditions.


1. Who Are We?

The website www.vha.be is an initiative of:

Van Hoecke Automation
Legen Heirweg 29, 9890 Gavere
Email: sales@vha.be
Phone: +32 9 389 70 70

Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or comments; we promise to answer you soon!


2. Our Website

2.1 Good Functionality, Safety and Accessibility
We offer a user-friendly website that is safe for every User. We take all reasonable measures necessary to ensure the proper functioning, security and accessibility of our website. However, we cannot give you absolute guarantees and our measures must be regarded as an obligation of means. Every use of the website is always at your own risk. This means that we assume no liability for damage resulting from malfunctions, interruptions, harmful elements or defects of the website, regardless of the existence of a strange cause or force majeure.

We have the right to restrict and / or interrupt access to our website at any time, without prior warning. In principle, we only do this if the circumstances justify this, but this is not an absolute condition.

2.2 Content On Our Website
The content of the website is largely determined by us and we take the greatest care of this content. This means that we take the necessary measures to keep our website as complete, accurate and up-to-date as possible, even when content is supplied by third parties. The content on our website can always be changed, supplemented or removed.

However, we cannot guarantee the quality of the information on our website. Information may not be complete, sufficiently accurate and / or useful. We are therefore not liable for (direct and indirect) damage that the User suffers as a result of the information on our website.

In the event that certain content on our website constitutes a violation of applicable law and / or a violation of the rights of third parties and / or simply cannot be accepted, we ask you to notify us as soon as possible so that we can take the appropriate measures. For example, we can proceed to partial or total removal and / or modification of the content.

Our website contains downloadable content. Every download from our website is always at your own risk. We are not liable for this and damage resulting from loss of data or damage to the computer system is entirely and solely the responsibility of the User.
Specifically for information about products on the website, there is a reservation of obvious programming and typing errors. The User cannot claim an agreement with Van Hoecke Automation on the basis of such errors.

2.3 What We Expect From You as a User
The User also bears a certain responsibility when using our website. The User must always refrain from actions that can have a harmful impact on the proper functioning and safety of the website. For example, the website may not be used to circumvent our business model and / or to collect information from other Users on a large scale.

It is therefore not permitted to use our website for the distribution of content that may cause damage to other Users of the website, such as the distribution of harmful software such as computer viruses, malware, worms, trojans and cancelbots. This also includes the distribution of unsolicited and / or commercial messages via the website, such as junk mail, spamming and chain letters.

We reserve the right to take all necessary actions that can lead to restoration for us and for our Users, both judicial and extrajudicial. The User is solely and personally and fully responsible if his actions and behavior effectively cause damage to the website and the other Users. In that case, he must indemnify Van Hoecke Automation against any claim for damages that follows.


3. Links To Other Websites

The content of our website may contain a link, hyperlink or framed link to foreign websites or other forms of electronic portals. A link does not automatically mean that there is a link between us and the foreign website, nor that we (implicitly) agree with the content of these websites.

We do not control these foreign websites and are not responsible for the safe and correct operation of the link and its final destination. As soon as you click on the link, you leave our website and you can no longer be held liable for any damage. Foreign websites may not offer the same guarantees as we do. That is why we recommend that you carefully read the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Statement of these websites.


4. Intellectual Property

Creativity deserves protection, as does our website and its content. The protection is provided by intellectual property rights and belongs to all entitled parties, being Van Hoecke Automation and third parties. Content means the very broad category of photos, video, audio, text, ideas, notes, drawings, articles, etc. All this content is protected by copyright, software right, database right, drawing and design right and other applicable (intellectual) property rights. The technical nature of our website itself is protected by copyright, software law and database law. Any trade name we use on our websites is also protected by applicable trade name law or trademark law.

Every User is given a limited right to access, use and display our websites and its content. This granted right is non-exclusive, non-transferable and can only be used within a personal, non-commercial framework. We therefore ask our Users not to use and / or make changes to the items protected by these rights, without the permission of the owner. Van Hoecke Automation attaches great importance to its intellectual property rights and has taken all possible measures to guarantee its protection. Any infringement of existing intellectual property rights will be prosecuted.


5. General Provisions regarding General Conditions

We reserve the freedom to change, expand, limit or discontinue our website and associated services at any time. This is possible without prior notification from the User and does not give rise to any form of compensation.
These General Terms and Conditions are exclusively governed and interpreted in accordance with Belgian law.
If the operation or validity of one or more of the above provisions of these General Terms and Conditions is compromised, this will not affect the validity of the other provisions of this agreement. In such case, we have the right to change the provision in question to a valid provision of similar effect.